Local CPAs in The Bronx address basic accounting questions from our readers:
Business enterprises and their CPA departments (not just in the Bronx but across NYC and the US) raise capital for production and marketing activities not only from financial institutions and small groups of individuals but also from the public through issuing equity and debt securities that are widely traded in highly developed securities markets. Numerous, perhaps most, CPA and accounting transactions in those markets are transfers from one investor or creditor to another with no part of the exchange price going to the issuing enterprise. But those transactions set the market prices for particular securities and thereby affect an enterprise's ability to attract investment funds and its cost of raising capital.
Those having funds to invest normally assess the expected costs, (usually with the aid of a Bronx accountant or firm) expected returns, and expected risks of alternative investment opportunities. They attempt to balance expected risks and returns and generally invest in high risk ventures only if they expect commensurately high returns from business CPAs and will accept low expected returns only if expected risk is commensurately low. A business enterprise is unlikely to be able to compete successfully in the markets for lendable or investment funds unless lenders and investors expect the enterprise to be able to sell its output at prices sufficiently in excess of its costs to enable them to expect a return from interest or dividends and market price appreciation commensurate with the risks they perceive. Contact the firm above for help in the Bronx or anywhere in the Five Boroughs and NYC today.
Those having funds to invest normally assess the expected costs, (usually with the aid of a Bronx accountant or firm) expected returns, and expected risks of alternative investment opportunities. They attempt to balance expected risks and returns and generally invest in high risk ventures only if they expect commensurately high returns from business CPAs and will accept low expected returns only if expected risk is commensurately low. A business enterprise is unlikely to be able to compete successfully in the markets for lendable or investment funds unless lenders and investors expect the enterprise to be able to sell its output at prices sufficiently in excess of its costs to enable them to expect a return from interest or dividends and market price appreciation commensurate with the risks they perceive. Contact the firm above for help in the Bronx or anywhere in the Five Boroughs and NYC today.