Top CPAs in Staten Island address basic accounting questions from our readers:
Most productive CPA activity in the United States is carried on through investor owned business business enterprises, including many large corporations that buy, sell and obtain financing in national or multinational markets. Since investor-owners are commonly more interested in returns from dividends and market price CPA appreciation of their securities than in active participation in directing corporate affairs, directors of Staten Island businesses and professional managers commonly control enterprise resources and decide how those resources are allocated in accounting operations.
Management is accountable to owner-investors, both directly and through an elected board of directors, for planning and controlling CPA enterprise operations in their interests including gaining or maintaining competitive advantage or parity in the markets in which the Staten Island enterprise buys, sells, and obtains financing and considering and balancing various other, often competing interests, such as those of employees of Staten, NY businesses, customers, lenders, CPAs and government.
Management is accountable to owner-investors, both directly and through an elected board of directors, for planning and controlling CPA enterprise operations in their interests including gaining or maintaining competitive advantage or parity in the markets in which the Staten Island enterprise buys, sells, and obtains financing and considering and balancing various other, often competing interests, such as those of employees of Staten, NY businesses, customers, lenders, CPAs and government.