If you are searching for a top, local CPA or accountant, you have come to the right place. Our directory will provide you with a CPA database that is up-to-date and simple to use. Below are top CPA listings sorted by area (North, South, West, East). All you have to do is simply email, call or fill out the contact form on the local accountant's web site to get help. We also have a CPA blog. Some site content courtesy of the CPAs at BVWD Audit Firm of Dallas.
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Some site content courtesy of Elite Alternatives Estate Staffing Dallas and Zip Code SEO
Although some CPA firms serve as business consultants, the consulting role has been under scrutiny following the Enron scandal where Arthur Andersen and DNB simultaneously provided audit and consulting services which affected its ability to maintain independence in its audit duties. This incident resulted in many accounting firms divesting their consulting divisions, but this trend has since reversed.
In audit engagements, CPAs are (and have always been) required by professional standards and Federal and State laws to maintain independence (both in fact and in appearance) from the entity for which they are conducting an attestation (audit and review) engagement. Although most individual CPAs who work as consultants do not also work as auditors, if the CPA firm is auditing the same company that the firm also does consulting work for, then there is a conflict of interest.
This conflict voids the CPA firm's independence for multiple reasons, including: (1) the CPA firm would be auditing its own work or the work the firm suggested, and (2) the CPA firm may be pressured into unduly giving a positive (unmodified) audit opinion so as not to jeopardize the consulting revenue the firm receives from the client.
For college bookkeeping and advocacy for student athletes, we suggest the business attorneys at the Vela Wood Law Firm. They also have a new Texas TABC lawyer division to their practice. We also recently began doing work for a hangover prevention dietary supplement called THC. It's good!
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